Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: 17th Century:

Representations: Literary Texts:

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

»Philip Massinger (1583 - 17 March 1640) was an English dramatist. His finely plotted plays, including A New Way to Pay Old Debts, The City Madam, and The Roman Actor, are noted for their satire and realism, and their political and social themes.« -- More information: Wikipedia

The Custom of the Country (with John Fletcher) (comedy, printed 1647)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The Custom of the Country is a Jacobean stage play, a tragicomedy written by John Fletcher and Philip Massinger, originally published in 1647 in the first Beaumont and Fletcher folio.« -- More information: Wikipedia

G e n e r a l   K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Modern History: 17th Century | Geographical Index: European History: English History | Topical Index: Types: General: Rape

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Darby, T.L. Resistance to Rape in Persiles y Sigismunda and The Custom of the Country. Modern Language Review 90 (1995): 273-284.

II. Speaker Index


The Queen of Corinth (with Nathan Field and John Flechter) (tragicomedy, 1616-1618, printed 1647)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The Queen of Corinth is a Jacobean era stage play, a tragicomedy in the canon of John Fletcher and his collaborators. It was initially published in the first Beaumont and Fletcher folio of 1647.« -- More information: Wikipedia

G e n e r a l   K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Ancient History: Greek History; Modern History: 17th Century | Geographical Index: European History: English History | Topical Index: Cases: Fictional Offenders: Theanor; Fictional Victims: Merione; Types: General: Rape Representations: Literary Texts: Nathan Field, John Fletcher

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Bamford, Karen. Sexual Violence in The Queen of Corinth. Other Voices, Other Views: Expanding the Canon in English Renaissance Studies. Edited by Helen Ostovich et al. Newark 1999: 234-252.

[Info] Bamford, Karen. Sexual Violence on the Jacobean Stage. Basingstoke 2000.

[Info] Continisio, Tommaso. »"No Lucrece": The Ambiguity of Rape in The Queen of Corinth.« Memoria di Shakespeare No. 10 (2023): 239-254.

[Info] Loughlin, Marie H. Hymeneutics. Interpreting virginity on the early modern stage. Lewisburg 1997.

II. Speaker Index


The Unnatural Combat (tragedy, publisehed 1639)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The Unnatural Combat is a Jacobean era stage play, a tragedy written by Philip Massinger, and first published in 1639.« -- More information: Wikipedia

G e n e r a l   K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Modern History: 17th Century | Geographical Index: European History: English History | Topical Index: Types: General: Rape

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Gossett, Suzanne. "Best men are molded out of faults": Marrying the Rapist in Jacobean Drama. English Literary Renaissance 14 (1984): 305-327.

II. Speaker Index


The Virgin Martyr (with Thomas Dekker) (tragedy, publishe 1622)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The Virgin Martyr is a Jacobean era stage play, a tragedy written by Thomas Dekker and Philip Massinger, and first published in 1622. It constitutes a rare instance in Massinger's canon in which he collaborated with a member of the previous generation of English Renaissance dramatists those who began their careers in the 1590s, the generation of Shakespeare, Lyly, Marlowe and Peele.« -- More information: Wikipedia

G e n e r a l   K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Modern History: 17th Century | Geographical Index: European History: English History | Topical Index: Types: General: Rape

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Bamford, Karen. Sexual Violence on the Jacobean Stage. Basingstoke 2000.

II. Speaker Index
